Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Animation Test

Didn't have much to do today so I did my first animation test for my film. Just an elf running. It took a few tries to get it to look like a run, it's been a while since I did one of those. It is kind of on the fast side, though, could use a few more drawings.... This was done entirely in Flash. I'm planning on doing my whole film tradigitally (that is, drawn frame by frame, but on the computer). As much as I like the tactile feel of drawing on paper, this way is a lot more efficient. Immediate feedback without having to waste time at a line tester, not to mention not having to scan anything. I'll probably do it in Flipbook rather than Flash as it has a pretty good pencil tool. It's a good thing I'm getting all this practice drawing with a tablet at my co-op.


  1. That looks really sweet, can barely tell it's not traditional.

    Weird to think that only a couple months ago we probably never would have considered doing anything but traditional.

    Just think of the money we'll save on supplies!

  2. Well, it is traditional, sort of. No paper involved, but it was still hand drawn frame by frame. Its not the cut out style that Flash is infamous for

  3. haha look at you adam, Mr Flash all of a sudden. looks like your coop was helpfull-

    I haven't fully decided whether I will go flash or not, it depends on how the cleanup part works out.

    It looks pretty good to me, I like the bouncy pom pom and the rubbery legs/tiny fists haha

    He is one determined elf

  4. @dam already animating.

  5. this is cool man, and i like the idea or tradigitally animating your film (or however you said it) but I also read your idea and it sounds really cool, the characters are great and i like the idea of santa being like the incredible hulk, maybe you could make him super fat and call him the incredible bulk

  6. dan, that would be ripping off Kevin Smith, he used that name in Mallrats http://www.viewaskew.com/mallrats/images/comic/bulk.jpg
    You're lucky you got looks

  7. oh sweet! did you use the pencil tool? quite clean!

  8. Nah, I just used the brush tool on its second smallest size with smoothing set to around 25-30. It's actually not clean at all, but cause the video quality kinda sucks its hard to tell
